ASEAN Robotics and AI NETWORK (ARAIN) SUMMIT 2023 @ITAP, Singapore Expo

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 Here are the recordings of our conference over in Singapore! 🇸🇬


By Dr. Ishkandar Baharin & Mr. Oliver Tian



Aims to invest in and build a highly advanced automotive, robotics and AI ecosystem in Malaysia by 2030 as per the national roadmap that has been designed by the government.

Ts Nizmar Mohd Nazar • Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Malaysia Automotive Robotics & IoT Institute 



Aims to drive Automation, IoT & Robotics whilst prioritising collaborations to shape the future of technology together as leaders of a better world.

Terence Teo • President, AutomationSG formerly known as Singapore Industrial Automation Association (SIAA)



Aims to expand the reach of MRSP with the certifications in mechatronics, robotics, IoT that they offer and ARAIN is the right hub for such an expansion.

Er Mariciel Teogangco • Chairman,  ​Mechatronics & Robotics Society of The Philippines



Aims to provide innovative and cost-effective automation solutions for the production industry and also seeking for investors to seek growth in Cambodia as the nation is steadily growing in the robotics and automation industry.

 Yong Ann Voeurn • Founder, Cambodia Robotics & Automation Society & ARM Robotics 


Closing - Panel Discussion

By ARAIN founders