ARAIN Founders

Our founders have come together from various locations around ASEAN in order to form a cohesive force in the region that would massively boost the robotics and AI ecosystem. 

Dr. Ishkandar Baharin

CEO, Malaysia Robotics & Automation Society (MyRAS)

Mr. Oliver Tian

Advisory Chairman, Asia Pacific Assistive Robotics Association (APARA)

Er Mariciel Teogangco

Chairman, Mechatronics & Robotics Society of The Philippines (MRSP)

Mr. Yong Ann Voeurn

Founder, Cambodia Robotics & Automation Society & ARM Robotics

Mr. Terence Teo

President, Automation SG formerly known as Singapore Industrial Automation Association (SIAA)

Associate Professor Dr. Supachai Vongbunyong

Chapter President, TCIOA (Robotics, AI & Blockchain)